Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Empire Days

So, it's been over a day already for me at Empire Avenue. I've done the customary linking of my online "outlets", like my blog, Twitter, and Facebook, since as I understand, that's where my Influence will be measured. Bought a couple of shares from fellow Influencers (seriously, I think they need to have a "fun" version of this official title), especially my friends. Also "followed" a number of members, especially those who "followed" me first.

I've also seen my share price drop after a day of no online activity. My portfolio value has gone up, as several Influencer shares I own appreciated. Which raises the question of whether or not you can consistently keep your share price up. I guess that since the underlying premise of your influence is your online activity, it follows that reduced online activity would affect your share price adversely. But what if you have no online activity for a day or more but during those times when say, your blog keeps generating interest in the form of comments and interactions? How much more important is that than your own activity to negate the temporary non-activity?

In the span of about a day, this blog also got DENIED for upgrade to blog status, despite having 3 endorsements already, and just waiting for 2 more. On the other hand, my chess blog got upgraded to blog status in record time (I don't think it even got the required 5 endorsements). Why it turned out that way I still don't know, but maybe it has something to do with the fact that my chess blog is already several years old while this blog has just started. I've deleted it for ow, but hopefully it's not against the rules to have it resubmitted for consideration.

But the real question has to do with value. The underlying premise of EA is that those with more influence should rise to the top. But if I can't view the value of one's activity because I am restricted from doing so (as in I am not connected to that person in Facebook), what value do I get from that? I hope that EA has plans in store where the value of one's activity can be measured, so that activity for the sake of activity will be minimized.

Hope to learn more in the coming days. And while were at it, you may want to consider buying my shares. Especially if you see that I am fundamentally a sound investment :)

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